Barbano’s hidden gesture that was not seen in Marina Calabro’s declaration of love was leaked – The USA Print Magazine


Marina Calabro and Rolando Barbano They starred in one of the most memorable moments of the year at the Martín Fierro Radio Awards. The terrible live act that the police journalist had will be remembered as one of the worst on Argentine television.

The daughter of the great Juan Carlos Calabro She was totally dedicated to love and in the midst of the emotion that came with winning such an important award, it led to her statement being totally unexpected and left Barbano in shock.

I want to dedicate it and share it with my love. Yes, you, Rolando. Thank you all“was Marina’s clear message to her classmate. Radio Miter. But the worst was not his reaction, totally cold and inhibited by what had happened, but also that later it was his turn to receive that of Martín Fierro himself.

Many thought that he was going to dedicate the award to Calabro and return the kindness, the opposite happened and a strong rejection was felt: “I want to dedicate it to Jorge Lanata, especially, who we hope will be with us quickly. To my son, Roco, to Nina, my daughter, to my dear old man, to my mother, my sister and my friends”.

And the enormous commotion that this situation caused made it the main topic of the week. That is why in the program Channel 9, Relentlessits host revealed a detail that very few saw about that moment of maximum tension and that ended with boos for Rolando.


I was at table three, and next to me were Marina Calabro, Rolando Barbano, Nancy Duré, Jésica Bossi, Barbano’s little son, Daniel Ambrosino, nice tables. But I had them right in front of me, we were steps away from the microphone. The vision was excellent”, he began saying.

After Marina’s words, all eyes inevitably went to Rolando. Visibly uncomfortable by that message, which clearly had no prior agreement and much less was expected, his reaction said it all.

When Marina takes that breath, with a Martín Fierro in her hand and says ‘my love’, I immediately looked at Barbano where with his hands like this (together) he made (no gestures with his head), as if to say ‘you didn’t have to say it ‘“, declared the presenter, and her panelists added that he was not a gentleman at all.

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