Aurah Ruiz, convicted of harassment of Jesé Rodríguez (the man whose hand she has left in court) Does anyone understand anything?


Guilty. This is how Justice has determined that it is
Aurah Ruiz in that case opened after the complaint that
Jesé Rodríguez, father of her son, filed for alleged harassment that has turned out to be, at least for the judge, real. The footballer went to the competent authorities in 2018, in the midst of that fierce war on social networks because he felt that the messages from the extronista of ‘Mujeres y Hombres y Vicevera’ had crossed a line that interfered with the normal development of life. of the.

It is the newspaper ‘Canarias 7’ that reports this ruling that determines that there was harassment. The most curious thing? That Ruiz, who had to take a brief break in his time at ‘La casa Fuerte’ to get in front of the judge, has come out hand in hand with Jesé, his accuser… A new image that fuels the
bizarre and surreal of a relationship that has all the ingredients to be classified as toxic.

Love Romeira was the one who posted that photo on his Instagram account, warning that Aurah has been sentenced to
nine days of social work. A sentence that she will serve as a partner, as we say, of that man who put her in that position of sitting as an accused. Of course, they have a pending conversation.

This is how Aurah and Jesé left the courts hand in hand. /


Because Aurah’s entry into reality came after an alleged
Jesse’s infidelity which caused his explosion on Instagram. Amor herself explained that the footballer did not agree with her exposing herself again in front of the Telecinco cameras, and that she had given him an ultimatum: either the television or him. However, Rodríguez entered the contest live by phone and left us all even more confused.

Because no one understands what is happening. ¿
How to start a clean slate with the
barbarities What have the public said? How to forget the slips? That is an issue that they will have to clarify for us. Even if it is, as we already said, after that talk, face to face, which she herself has explained what she needs to lay the foundations for healthy love.

But that will be when the ‘reality’ ends. Ruiz is already thinking about returning to Madrid to face that
grand finale of a contest which can give you joy in financial terms to, among other things, face the expenses derived from the medical care of the child you have in common.