He Friday April 19 premieres Hate Songs, the director’s new film Alejo Levis. As a reader of EL PAÍS, we offer you the opportunity to see it in a special pass which will take place on the day of its premiere at 6:00 p.m. at Cineteca Matadero Madrid. After the screening, there will be a discussion that will be attended by the director and the actor Boré Buika. Get a double ticket!
Alex Brendemhül, Nansi Nsue and Boré Buika star Hate Songsthe new movie Alejo Levis that is released in theaters April 19. A film that aims to promote change through cinema and to break the chain of hate using forgiveness and the power of the word; teaching the danger behind ‘fake news’, hate speech and manipulation.
Two Rwandan actors and a Belgian sound technician meet at the former headquarters of the radio station (RTLM) that was key in the Rwandan genocide of 1994 to rehearse a sound fiction and close a wound that is still open. As the trial progresses, reconciliation will not be as easy as they thought…