Attend the preview of the EL PAÍS documentary ‘The Soldiers of Tank 27’ | EL PAÍS + for subscribers


Image from the documentary ‘El Tank 27’, made by EL PAÍS.Carlos Martinez

In the coming weeks, EL PAÍS will premiere the documentary Tank soldiers 27, made on the occasion of the second anniversary of the Ukrainian war. As a reader of EL PAÍS, we offer you the opportunity to see it before its premiere at a commemorative event that will take place on Friday February 23 at 7:00 p.m. in it Condeduque Contemporary Culture Center. Along with the screening of the documentary there will be a discussion that will feature the participation of the newspaper’s director, Pepa Bueno, and other guests. Participate to get your invitation!

About the tape

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Since then, more than half a million civilians have been called up by the Ukrainian government or volunteered to fight. It is the largest mobilization of civilians in Europe since World War II. This is the story of three of them, Alexander, Volodymir and Taras. Three men whose life before the war was completely normal and who are now part of the First Armored Tank Brigade of the Ukrainian Army.

In April 2023 they were stationed in Huliaipole, seven kilometers from the Zaporizhia front, a war-torn town where hardly anyone lives. Here they prepared to fight against the Russians in the counteroffensive that the Government was preparing and lived with the few neighbors who, despite the bombs that continued to devastate the city, had decided to stay.

A team of four journalists from EL PAÍS was with them and saw them again six months later to see the traces left by a war.
