Athletic – Mallorca, live | A fight between ultras mars a magnificent preview of the Cup final | Soccer | Sports


A fight between ultras in the Alameda of Seville mars a magnificent preview of the Cup final

The preview of the Copa del Rey final in Seville between Athletic Club has been marred by some incidents between ultra fans of the Basque and Balearic clubs. They occurred in La Alameda, a central area of ​​Seville where the majority of Mallorca fans had been located. According to some fans present, about twenty Athletic ultras approached with flares and throwing chairs at the Mallorca fans, who reacted. The police, who had riot units deployed in the area, the same area where the Ultrasur caused incidents last year in the run-up to the final between Madrid and Osasuna, intervened quickly and broke up the fight. In the La Alameda area there is a National Police station. There has been one minor injury and, so far, the police have not reported that any arrests have been made.