All the lies of Kiko Jiménez in the ‘Deluxe’ polygraph


He sat down himself and let Conchita’s polygraph cables be inserted. The show was given on Saturday, on the set of ‘Deluxe’. K
Iko Jimenezon everyone’s lips last week for his alleged infidelities to
Gloria Camila and even to
Sofia Suescun, made a whole bunch of lies. As it is. The polygraph determined that he lied in each and every answer he gave to questions asked about his busy bedroom life.

Days before, the scandal broke when it began to be rumored that he had had a threesome with
Chabelita Pantoja and Efrén Reyero. Information that was known with the latter two participating in ‘La casa fuerte’ and the relationship between Isabel Pantoja’s daughter and
Asraf Beno (his attack of jealousy) questioned since they entered the ‘reality’. But that bombshell, dropped by María Jesús Ruiz, was only the tip of the iceberg of the problems that could appear on the horizon.

Because other infidelities were known. Starting with one that would have
Cristini Couto, recently expelled from ‘The Strong House’, as chosen to commit disloyalty. Even though he insisted that he didn’t know her at all, her machine denied him. And she herself even gave details: “He saw me and grabbed my arm to put me into the bathroom, there he kissed me and touched me, but I didn’t want anything else to happen between us.”

Of course, he denied, time and time again, that there had been anything between him and Chabelita, relying on the alleged four years of fidelity to
Gloria Camila. But what if he cheated on her too? He insisted that they are just friends. Very good friends for years. “It’s not the first time he’s stayed the night at home,” he defended himself, and detailed what happened the night before with the hypothetical trio: “That night we go to the taxi and I ask Isa Pantoja the address of her house so that the taxi driver takes him and Efrén and I take another one.
It turns out that she didn’t even know the address of that house and since I knew her well, to protect her, I took her to my house.“.

The one who was Chabelita’s partner at that time,
Kathy Amores, explained that, until three in the morning, she did not tell him that she would not go home to sleep. And with all the answers and doubts raised by Kiko during the polygraph, none of the collaborators left that night with the feeling that that night of three-way passion had not happened.