Alejandra Rubio: the ‘nini’ who offended Spain | Television


As you will say that you have no idea who Alejandra Rubio is, I inform you in advance: she is the daughter of Terelu and, therefore, the granddaughter of María Teresa Campos. She has been a talk show host on Telecinco for some time. And now she has become pregnant with Mar Flores’ child, specifically the one for whom she is in prison (in the form of sleeping at home and stopping by to sign) for fraud. The pregnancy occurred three months after the couple met. Alejandra is very excited and Terelu says that she is delighted with Carlo. What mother wouldn’t like to see her twenty-something daughter pregnant by a convict/actor she’s known for a couple of months?

On the occasion of the happy event, Alejandra has given an interview, very upset because they call her “nini”. “Coming from a well-known family, is it living off the story? Because I do the same job as any journalist”, she said with dignity last week. There are several clarifications that could be made to this intervention, but it would divert the focus from the real question. Would Alejandra Rubio be sitting on a set if she were not the daughter and granddaughter of who she is? The short answer is no. The long answer is also no. Alejandra Rubio says that she has worked from a very young age (in public relations), that she has studied acting (she studied at Juan Codina, but apparently she did not finish), and that she does the same job as any journalist (sic).

To begin with, a journalist is not the same as a commentator (thank God). And to continue, if Alejandra Rubio were not from the family that she is, she would not have been a public relations person, but a waitress. She would not be on a set commenting on realities, She would not be competing in one or watching them from home. Alejandra would not live in Aravaca, but in a working-class neighbourhood with several flatmates, or perhaps with her mother. If Alejandra Rubio had studied journalism to work in television (which she has not done), she would be in Navacerrada, artichoke in hand, commenting live on the air that, despite it being 1st July, it is freezing cold. Or perhaps stopping passers-by in Preciados to comment on Puigdemont or mass tourism. If she did the same job as any journalist, she would be writing to her former teachers to ask if they knew of any medium that would let her publish her film reviews.

If Alejandra did not come from the same family, studying drama would have cost her a triumph. She would go to castings of all kinds for roles in which they would not even give him the entire script (that is if he got said roles). She would ask everyone how they get a representative. In between, she would be a waitress to save herself when she got caught in a student short film or some low-budget unpaid film. And finally, after years and years of lamping and ringing doors, she would see a “daughter of” on TV, and would say: “Why do I put in the effort, if to appear on TV you have to be the daughter of a famous person.”

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