Aixa Villagrán: “Actresses in Spain, if we are not hotties, we start working older” | Famous | S Fashion


The parents, from a town in Cádiz where everyone was called Pepes and Pepas, named the girl Aixa and, of course, she never became another child. Her aunts, unable to spell her name correctly, gave up putting “Conchi’s girl” behind her photos. But the girl grew up, embraced her acting vocation and after more than 20 years fighting so that the castings saw in her something more than a character with a single sentence, she managed to get not only her relatives, but millions of viewers, to learn her name. . Perfect lifeIn the margins, The snow girl, The Messiah…no one works more today—and better—than Aixa Villagrán (Seville, 45 years old). And the Movistar+ series Fine arts It is the most recent proof.

He has not taken up painting after filming Fine Arts, but he has confessed his desire to write or direct.

I hope one day I have time to take out everything I have. Women have so many stories to tell that I get anxious just thinking about it. We need scripts that challenge us, but it is difficult to give you the opportunity. It is a double pressure because they also condemn us a lot for making mistakes.

She is the actress with the busiest schedule in the industry.

Work began to come to me at 40. My theory is that actresses in Spain, if we are not hotties, they don’t call us until we reach an age. Blanca Portillo, Nathalie Poza… we are all beautiful, but we do not comply with the canon of heterosexual male beauty, so we started working older.

It is usually accompanied by the label of ‘luxury secondary school’…

I hadn’t heard it, but I’m telling you that being a supporting actress is wonderful. I have done many things that did not interest me in order to eat, today I can do roles that I really like.

With success, red carpets also increase. What is your relationship with fashion like?

I have always liked it, but here we need to be more visionary. The best-known fashion brands in Spain neither give me clothes nor makeup, while in France or Italy they do. They say I don’t have enough followers on Instagram. Women are much more subject to beauty capitalism… Do you know the pressure we have to always look divine for the photo?

Has not complying with the aesthetic cliché of a Sevillian woman been a handicap in your career?

They told me that I had a peculiar physique, they gave me characters without an arc or evolution. But it has been changing, I have done dramas…

They say that behind a comedian there is always a drama…

It comes from clown: The clown suffers, but laughs at his tragedy to make people laugh. I am long-suffering, intense and tend to be nostalgic. But I have done my therapies and I take things with less weight than before.

He defines himself as a bit of a punk. Is there something else missing from your guild?

I miss it, but I don’t criticize it when there isn’t one because we have a lot of pressure. When are you going to The resistance and the next day there are haters Giving birth from home while eating Cheetos makes you anxious. We are fragile and vulnerable. I love Sofía Vergara or Candela Peña, but I understand people who protect themselves because we are very exposed.

And while he was fighting to gain a foothold, his brother Julián won a Goya. How is that managed?

He has always been my reference. He worked a lot and I didn’t work, it’s true, but he encouraged me, gave me life lessons and I learned a lot from him. He is more introverted, he has never wavered from anything, I am more peacock when things are going well. What’s more, we had the Goya in the guest room.

After giving life to an inspector in The snow girl already a nun in The Messiahwhat do you keep: the plaque or the crucifix?

I can tell you which of my boyfriends is my favorite, but I can’t choose between characters. Playing a police officer is the most fun thing in the world, but playing an oppusina is very cool. The courage that gave me The Messiah It was no longer having a role and I told Los Javis directly. I had such a good time with them that I want them to call me for something bigger.

When you return home to Seville, what can’t be missing from the table?

My mother laughs at me because the first thing I always ask for is the salad, which is the best in all of Spain and anyone who says otherwise has no idea. The potato is more cooked, has shrimp and is served warm.