AI: economic and social change for Spain | Artificial Intelligence


Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful engine that has the potential to transform the country. In the next decade, its use could contribute between 100 and 120 billion euros to the national economy, the equivalent of 8% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), according to a study developed by Implement on behalf of Google. However, the study reveals that delaying its adoption could significantly reduce this impact, from a potential of 8% to just 2% of GDP. Boosting investments in this technology is essential to building the future.

AI has quickly entered our lives. 35% of the Spanish population and 9% of companies have used it at least once. In the coming years, its impact will multiply to reach 58% of jobs in Spain. The advance promises a boost in national productivity, but will require investment, innovation and training.

Companies are aware of the benefits that this technology brings to them and their interest is palpable. 56% of Spanish companies plan to invest in AI-based automation in the next five years, exceeding the European average of 40%. However, small and medium-sized companies, which make up 67% of total employment in Spain, are adopting AI more slowly (only 8% used it by 2023).

In 2023, Google launched Gemini, its generative AI with which thousands of people chat and ask for help with countless tasks every day

AI is nothing new. Everyday products like Google search, spell check, translator, and maps have been using AI for years. Last year, Google launched Gemini, its generative AI that thousands of people chat with every day and ask for help with a multitude of tasks, such as understanding complex concepts or preparing a first draft of an email.

AI training that transforms lives

However, the economic impact of AI will only come with greater knowledge of this technology and training is a key piece. The program Grow with Google was a pioneer in Europe, offering courses to reduce the digital skills gap since 2014.

Since then, nearly 12 million people have received training on the continent and more than 1.3 million in Spain alone. Of this total, some 150,000 people say they have improved their professional career, created a company or found a new job.

Currently, to contribute to this necessary adoption of AI in Spain, Google offers introductory sessions on-line focused on improving productivity and also a 10-hour Professional Certificate in AI Fundamentals, with 1,000 scholarships for unemployed people in collaboration with Fundae. In addition, it will allocate 800,000 euros to non-profit organizations in Spain to train people at risk of job exclusion in AI.

Generative artificial intelligence could contribute between 100 and 120 billion euros to the national economy in the next decade, 8% of the current GDP

For technical profiles and companies, the Google Cloud Certificates in Data Analysis and Generative AI have been published. startups They can be trained in AI with programs like Startup School and Growth Academy, aimed at solving challenges in health, education and cybersecurity. And with the commitment to reduce the gender gap, it has created the first edition of the course More women in AI, where 50 women have already been trained in generative AI.

A lever for research

For years, science has invested countless hours in unraveling the mysteries of proteins, those complex molecules that are essential for life. Today, AI has become a powerful ally in this quest.

A clear example of this is the AlphaFold technology, developed by Google DeepMind, which has been able to predict the structure of more than 200 million proteins (almost all those known to science) with a remarkable degree of precision, saving years of research.

The AlphaFold database is freely available to the scientific community and has so far been used by 1.8 million researchers for complex cases such as developing new malaria vaccines or protecting vulnerable species. Just a few weeks ago, Google announced AlphaFold 3, which extends its protein capabilities to all molecules of life, including DNA and RNA, and reveals how they interact with each other, which will multiply scientific advances exponentially.

A key ally in sustainability

AI has also become a tool to promote sustainable growth. Google has developed different AI-powered solutions to help people and governments reduce carbon emissions and make decisions that improve the environment.

Vitoria-Gasteiz is an example of this. Since it was awarded the European Green Capital in 2012, it has maintained its commitment to the environment and is a benchmark in sustainable urban planning at a European level. For over a year, they have been using Google’s Environmental Data Explorer (EIE) which, thanks to AI, provides them with precise information on the tree canopy. Thanks to this technology, they have been able to improve their tree inventory in order to increase green spaces in the city.

In addition to the Environmental Data Explorer, Google offers other AI solutions to combat climate change and help people and authorities make more sustainable decisions, such as a river flood prediction model, forest fire detection technology, or green routes in Google Maps to select routes that help reduce emissions and save fuel.