After the Canaletti scandal, a member of Mañanísima will leave the program – The USA Print Magazine


Mañanísima is going through a few turbulent days, in which it became the axis of all the debates due to the events that occurred in the open air. The cycle of Carmen Barbieri looks unstable, at least mobilized by all the blows of the live fight of Ricardo Canaletti and Majo Martino.

The panelist traveled to the United States to cover the Copa América and on her cell phones she encountered the sharp darts of the police journalist, who bullied her on several occasions about her knowledge of soccer. An discomfort that crossed the screen.

The case gained enormous importance and went viral with unusual speed, as well as uncovering an internal problem that no one had foreseen on the radar. Majo has given a mountain of interviews to other media outlets to analyze the erratic behavior of her partner.

As if all that noise were not enough, another delicate circumstance has just been leaked for the program led by Carmen. It turns out that the imminent departure of another member of the staff came to light, a name with specific weight, who usually replaces Barbieri when necessary.

The revealing data came from the hand of Pablo Montagna, the journalist specialized in the universe of media, who jumped on his Twitter account to illuminate the adverse context that was unleashed in the morning dispatch of eltrece.

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