Actress and host Verónica Toussaint dies at 48


The Mexican actress and host Verónica Toussaint died this Thursday at the age of 48 after facing breast cancer from which she suffered for three years. The news was announced on Thursday night by journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva in his television news program on Imagen. Gómez Leyva interrupted the electoral information of his program, and pointed out: “We are informed that a few moments ago or at some point today, very young, our dearest companion Verónica died after a long and hard battle (against cancer). Toussaint. First of all, there is her smile, her joy, her camaraderie, and, of course, her enormous talent that she also accompanied all these years on Imagen Televisión.

Toussaint announced in October 2021, in the middle of the month of the fight against breast cancer, that she had been diagnosed with the same disease. In the Imagen program Sale el Sol, she told viewers: “The month of October is coming, the pink month, the month that promotes the prevention of breast cancer. They remind us that we have to examine ourselves, that we have to get a mammogram, that we have to go to the doctor and that we have to get ourselves checked, but no one prepares you when they tell you: ‘You have cancer.’ This time it was my turn. More than a month ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer (…). From my trench I tell you, please check yourself every month, go to the doctor. This is not only a health campaign, it is a reality,” she emphasized.

“Verónica was a bitch, she gave her affection in a strong way. She gave you the tools,” is how her partner Eduardo Iniesta remembers her in the program ¡Qué importa!, which they shared with fellow hosts Eduardo Videgaray and José Ramón San Cristóbal. Iniesta tells EL PAÍS that the times when he got nervous when entering the box, it was precisely Toussaint who noticed it and leaned close to his ear to tell him something funny or a joke to make him relax. “A long time later, she told me, ‘The only way you can swim with sharks is by acting like one.’ And there, the biggest shark for me was her,” says Iniesta.

Toussaint participated in several radio and television programs in the country, among which stand out The Cornetwhich airs on LOS 40 Mexico, or How cool!, broadcast by Imagen Televisión. In her role as an actress, she won an Ariel in 2018 in the category of best female co-acting for her role in the film. Polar Bear.

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