A ‘talent’ with a star | Woman Today


Triumph operation’ It is, by far, the ‘talent’ that has generated the most musical stars, from Bisbal to Pablo López, although some contestants have also managed to become judges or presenters of other television contests such as
Chenoa or Ricky Merino. The dream of every participant in a ‘talent’ is to achieve professional success, or just plain success, but it is true that it is increasingly difficult to achieve it in a market as saturated and in crisis as the musical market. Having your own voice is almost a miracle these days. But on television there are formats that seek excellence in other fields: they are entertainment, of course, but also a quarry to give opportunities to potential talents.

It is the case of
‘MasterChef’, who, in addition to garnering excellent audiences, has demonstrated this week that he also works as a talent scout in the kitchen:
Carlos Maldonado, winner of the third editionhas harvested its first
Michelin star for his restaurant Raíces, in Talavera de la Reina. The chef, who because of his sympathy has also participated in other adventures on TVE (‘Cooks at the wheel’, in which he competed with his father) has managed to turn his dream into an award-winning reality in five years. Congratulations.

‘Mask singer’, the vein that can be exhausted

Terelu Campos in ‘MaskSinger’ /


There was a time when Antena 3 announced that
‘Mask Singer’ It would be “a family program that would bet on conciliation to end at 12:15 a.m.” It’s funny to remember it. It is seen that
audience success is more important than family, because as the weeks go by, the time when the famous person hidden in the disguise is revealed is postponed until well into the early hours of the morning. As if that were not enough, the capon cut before revealing the mystery has gone from a single advertisement to a seven-minute block. The chain knows how to amortize a success. And how to destroy it. Because, although it is still the absolute leader, the audience has been declining. Not so the media noise, because in addition to succeeding in prime time, it sweeps the networks, where everyone plays riddles, placing bets, exchanging names.
The game is viral because it allows viewers to pay attention to both screens, that of television and that of mobile phones, because they complement each other. After the weeks in which Susana Uribarri managed to become TT for being a representative of everyone (and making ‘spoilers’ on her Instagram),
The ‘show’ has given surprises such as the presence of Terelu on the arch-enemy network of Telecinco. Antena 3 must take care of the program, without incorporating guests who contribute little, looking for figures that leave the viewer speechless.

Jordi Hurtado, Miracle in 2

Jordi Hurtado in ‘Know and win’. /


Beyond the countless
jokes and memes about Jordi Hurtado’s age, The truth is that the presenter works a miracle every afternoon. And no, it is not the miracle of immortality but that of
achieve, after 23 consecutive years at the head of ‘Saber y Ganar’, May your contest be
the most viewed of La 2 with an excellent 7.4% audience (data from earlier this week). To give you an idea, the most viewed of Cuatro is ‘First Dates’, with a 7.1. It is a true feat: for its resilience but, above all, because in the face of the roar of the competition in that time slot,
This cultural space is a haven of peace and a haven for viewers who are looking for more than just entertainment and want to learn.