“I inject one…” – The USA Print Magazine


The table of Mirtha Legrand was there to rent balconies on Saturday night and in a program that was not to be missed, they told different stories and unmissable controversies, being that of Arnaldo André one of the most epic.

The Paraguayan actor who triumphed in Argentina and became one of the most important leading men, at 80 years old, maintains a pristine figure and confessed what aesthetic treatment he performs to show off a pristine image.

To tell the truth, Arnaldo was always a man who took great care of himself and was very rigorous about it. But the most striking thing of all is that he injects bull semen, a super modern method that helps him a lot.

An anti-aging vaccine. She’s been bringing things from Switzerland lately. I do maintain my weight and now I am with bull semen”André commented. As soon as he said what was being injected as an aesthetic treatment, the surprise at the table, and, mainly in Mirtha, was total shock.


But Mariana Brey, who knows this situation in depth, revealed several details he knew about Arnaldo. “Is that taken or injected? They had told me that… because I asked what makes him so barbaric, and they told me that he remains very good because he is consuming a substance called bull semen.”.

Among the laughter and laughter that that conversation unleashed, with the interruption of Fernando Burlando to shorten that “whoever wants to take it can”, André detailed what it is about and also clarified that it is essential to maintain strict timing when doing the treatment.

It is something that is injected. What happens is that there are many who do not have the discipline to say ‘well, I go every 15 days’. You have to be constant“, declared Arnaldo, who left Legrand speechless after his confession.

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