Twitter: Elon Musk decides to hide the ‘likes’ on X | Technology


X, formerly Twitter, prevents us from seeing who has given I like to a message. The social network will continue to show the total number of likes who receives a message, but not who gives them. The authors of the messages will still be able to see who gives I like to their own content: “It is important to allow people to give I like to the messages without being attacked for doing so,” Elon Musk, owner of X, wrote on the social network, along with a headline about this news.

X Premium subscribers could now prevent their I like were public. Now in each message you can see who has reposted or commented on it, but not who has given I like or has saved it. In addition to being able to hide personal tastes, even the most perverse ones, X will use that information to adjust each user’s algorithm. Thus, if before someone was afraid to give I like to your presumably more racist, homophobic or sexist tastes, you can now do so freely and the platform will give you more content like the one you secretly like. Musk announced that his decision had been a success in just a few hours: suddenly X users began to give more I like when they already knew that no one was watching them.

A few days ago Musk announced that porn was going to be officially allowed on X. It already was, it just didn’t have the company’s official approval. The likes private will allow users to enjoy of that new official function of X without fear of being discovered. Before, the likes They were even the usual way to keep tweets in a tab, but Musk had already streamlined the saving option with “bookmarks” (or bookmark)which are also not public.

The I like publics had, in fact, caused some mythical moments on the old Twitter. US Senator Ted Cruz’s account gave I like in 2017 to a pornographic tweet. In Spain, a journalist in 2015 also had given I like to a big penis, in this case because of an alleged hacker. There are also examples with Australian politicians either English ministers. These anecdotes will now remain forever in the memory.

There are other activities created by I like public messages that will be impossible from now on: the authors of controversial messages will no longer be able to see who gives I like to those who respond with insults, but it will also be easier to support with a like to a message that precisely criticizes someone with power in your party, company or university.

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