Mbappé, after signing for Real Madrid: “I am liberated, it is a dream come true” | Soccer | Sports


One day after the player announced with great fanfare his farewell to PSG and his transfer to Real Madrid, accompanied by a laconic official statement from the white entity in which he corroborated the information, Kylian Mbappé spoke during a press conference with the French team prior to the French national team’s duel against Luxembourg, a preparatory friendly for the European Championship in Germany that is just around the corner. “Now it’s official. I will be a Real Madrid player for the next five seasons. It is an immense pleasure. A dream come true. I am liberated. “I’m coming to a club where I’ve always dreamed of being,” the player decided as a welcome to the press conference he held together with coach Didier Deschamps, from Metz, the city where the first of the two matches will be played ( the second will be against Canada) that France will face before the start of the Euro Cup.

It happened, however, that Mbappé did not want to answer the questions surrounding Madrid, as he understands that now it is the Euro Cup and that there will be time to evaluate his incorporation by Real Madrid. Although he clarified: “I am very excited to arrive at that club. I want to thank all the people who have sent me messages. I have not been able to see all of them, I thank you for the messages. “I want to thank all the people at Real Madrid who have worked, and especially Florentino (Pérez), who gave me confidence from the first moment.”

Although they insisted on him with Madrid, Mbappé was clear. “It’s a great day for me. But I have to get back to more rational things. I have responsibilities as captain of the French team and that has overshadowed the national team. I know it’s not fair to the journalists, nor to you, but I will only answer questions about the selection. I want to protect my team because we have a great summer ahead of us and we haven’t won in a long time,” he resolved; “It has been 24 years without winning the competition and we have the desire and passion to achieve it.” Therefore, Mbappé referred to the French team and compared the coach’s script with that of Luis Enrique. “Deschamps leaves more freedom and Luis Enrique is more organized. It is a different football; The Asturian wants to have the ball and that is the best way to defend. But for Deschamps it is not like that. He adapts more to the situation, although there are always differences between a club and the national team. In the club it is easier to create your style and in the national team it is not, it is more to adapt to the immediate circumstances.”

He also referred to his lack of understanding with Luis Enrique and the club in recent months, since it did not end too well because his goodbye to PSG was already known and he did not have the minutes that his football demands. “You can see in my face that I am very happy. “I have played less at the end of the season, you all know why, but I am going to prepare with the group to regain my form and bring the cup home,” he indicated. And he added: “They told me I wasn’t going to play much, so I was already warned. I understand the criticism. I have been far from my level and I know I have been worse. I have tried to be there for my team, but next year I don’t expect a season like this,” he agreed. And he concluded: “It would be unfair to say that I was unhappy in Paris. Yes, there were things that made me unhappy, but I wasn’t. “I take away many positive things.”

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