The most beautiful towns in Extremaduran Siberia


In the northwest of Badajoz (Extremadura), the Extremaduran Siberiaan area so named both for its extreme temperatures and for being used to banish and isolate political residents during Franco’s time.

Mountains, pastures, valleys, olive groves and lagoons occur in a territory that also houses perfect towns for a rural getaway or a quiet holiday to disconnect from stress. These are some of the most beautiful towns in Extremaduran Siberia that you can visit for it.


Garbayuela/Photo: Wikimedia/Adolfobrigido – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,


Called the Blonde Watchtowerthe town of Talarrubias It is one that you cannot miss in Extremaduran Siberia. Between his historical monuments highlight the St. Catherine’s Churchfrom the 16th century, the former Franciscan convent known as the Courtyard Housewhich preserves its baroque façade, the Typhoon Fountainthe Carmen chapel and the hermitages of San Roque and Coronada. And in the surroundings, you will see Paleolithic remains and places as special as the Panda Caves with its cave paintings.

If yours is gastronomic tourismdon’t stop tasting typical dishes like the crumbs, the stew, the White garlic and the candelillas. Keep in mind that in the month of August, Talarrubias celebrates its patron saint festivities, a great time to get to know the town.

Garbayuela is crossed by the Cañada Real Segoviana from southwest to northwest, which in ancient times was used for the passage of livestock. In the center of the town stands the St. Peter’s Churchfrom the 16th century, inside which houses a baroque altarpiece with a articulated Christ and the carvings of Santa Ana and San Sebastián. Furthermore, in the vicinity of the town you can come and visit the Celtic fort of MiraBueno and the Boquerón Place.

Garbayuela still preserves its traditions, which are reflected in the traditional dance of San Blasalso known as Paloteo Dancewhich is celebrated every February 3, and in the Enramaduring the night of Holy Saturday, in the middle of the Easter Vigil.

Sancti Spíritus in Extremaduran Siberia

Sancti Spiritus
Sancti Spíritus/Photo: Wikimedia 19Tarrestnom65 CC BY-SA 4.0

In the vicinity of the Knife Saw and next to La Serena reservoir it’s found Sancti Spiritusa beautiful town of white houses among which the church of the holy spirit and stately homes such as Castro House, as well as numerous sources. Furthermore, near the church there is a column, with a cross on it, known as the Roll.

Between typical gastronomy Of the area, the Salmorejo and game meats. And if you like sweets, you will enjoy tasting the Mantecadosdonuts and fritters. There are several Sancti-Spíritus festivities throughout the year, such as those celebrated in June in honor of San Antonio and the Holy Spirit, or the patron saint festivities during the month of September.

Houses of Don Pedro

Near to Orellana reservoir Another of the most beautiful towns in Extremaduran Siberia is located. We refer to Houses of Don Pedrowhose name comes from Peter I the Cruel. You will love walking around the town and discovering the stately homes with its noble coats of arms, the main square with its characteristic porticoed town hall, the Gothic church of San Pedro Apóstol and monuments such as Help the fallen by Juan de Ávalos.

If you come to know it, be sure to try the Saints Bunsthe gachons and the flowers. Remember that Casas de Don Pedro celebrates the Corpus Christi festivities in the month of May, as well as those of San Juan in June. If you want to have fun at the patron festivals, you should come in the month of August.


Peloche/Photo: Wikimedia kallerna CC BY-SA 4.0

Next to García Solá reservoir the town of is located Pelocheanother one that you cannot miss in the Extremaduran Siberia. Crossed by him Guadiana River, is a place where there is no shortage of various recreational and bathing areas to enjoy activities such as sailing, swimming and fishing, or sunbathing on its sandy beaches. And among the historical-artistic heritage of the town is the church of San Antonio Abad and the hermitage of the Virgen del Espino.


Tradition says that the name of Castilblanco comes from the templars, who had a castle on the hill next to which the town stands. As you walk through its streets, you will see tiles and arabic constructions in neighborhoods like Perchel and Picocerro. And don’t forget the church of San Cristobal, built in Mudejar style. Don’t forget to visit the Ethnographic House Museum to learn about the traditions and history of the place.

In the surroundings of Castilblanco there are cave paintings, dolmens and fortsas well as the hermitage of San Matías, from the 16th century. Along with the latter, the Los Ranchos festival is celebrated every May. The typical products of the town They are cheeses and sweets. In fact, the cheeses are made with raw sheep or goat milk, and have the Denomination of Origin Castilblanco Cheese. As for sweets, the candelilla and the dormios will not disappoint you. Nor can we forget recipes in which meats such as scarapuche and the Jilimoje.

Dare to discover Siberia in Extremadura and some of its towns on one of your next getaways!