Xavi says goodbye to Barcelona: “It is never easy to leave the club of your life, but I am very proud” | Soccer | Sports


Xavi Hernández has said goodbye to FC Barcelona through a message on his social networks, just a few hours after his dismissal as head of the team was announced. “It is never easy to leave the club of your life, but I am very proud,” said the writing that the Catalan coach published this Friday on his personal Instagram account.

In his message, Xavi first thanked the Barça fans, from whom, he affirms, he always received the same “support and affection” that he had already received during his time as a footballer. Afterwards, the Terrassa coach also dedicated words of gratitude to “the players, the club staff, the president, the board of directors, the sports directors and the media”, without making any personal mention.

This Sunday, Xavi will direct his last game from the FC Barcelona bench. He will do it at the Ramón Sánchez Pizjuán Stadium, during the Barça team’s visit to Sevilla (9:00 p.m., DAZN) in a match corresponding to the last day of the League. “Starting on Sunday, I will be another culé in the stands, because before being a player or coach, I am a Barcelona fan and I only want the best for the club of my life, which will always have me at its disposal,” he said in this regard.

An announcement made one day before the women’s team plays the Champions League against Lyon

Barça has announced the dismissal of Xavi one day before its women’s team plays the Champions League final against Olympique Lyon in San Mamés. There were just over 24 hours left for the team led by Jonatan Giráldez to play the most important match of the season, when the Barça board, chaired by Joan Laporta, made the decision public and changed the public conversation. Sports programs on radio and television have modified the main topic of their talk shows and news programs and newspapers have done the same with pagination. “Evidently, in the face of such an important match, there is no issue that can divert our attention,” said the Galician coach at the press conference this Friday afternoon when asked if he considered that the announcement could affect his performance tomorrow Saturday in Bilbao. “Life goes on. We have little to say on this issue because it is not an issue that concerns us. The stimulus we have tomorrow at a competitive level is important enough to think about other things,” he expressed his opinion on whether or not the news overshadows his team, reports Diego Fonseca Rodríguez from Bilbao.

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