The work project that has Adara Molinero missing


There was a time when it was everywhere. You turned on the television, and there it was
Adara Molinero, in a ‘reality’ or telling the details of his stories of love and heartbreak that have marked his life in recent years. Also on social networks she had an activity that caused us not to lose detail of what was happening on a daily basis. But, for weeks, she had been missing. What had happened to her?

Well, he has just reappeared in the eyes of his ‘followers’ to tell the world what has prevented him from having such a happy movement on his message board.
instagram. Adara is immersed in developing a new work project of which, for the moment, she is reluctant to give more details.

I’m missing. I’ve already let you know something in a photo, I’m working on something impressive, I’m giving my all, my soul, all the excitement, which is why these last few days I’ve been so disconnected,” the Madrid native began explaining, unable to hide her excitement about what he is up to.

“I’m leaving my skin, my soul”

“I had a nail shop where I poured my heart out, but to give you an idea, this is three times more important to me,” she explained before finishing her intervention in that video of her ‘stories’: “I know that Many of you had already realized it and you really want it to come out.
I only ask for your patiencejust a few weeks.”

While we wait for the mystery of what has Adara so absorbed to be revealed, she enjoys love alongside
Rodri Fuertes. Because in the sentimental field, after the unpleasantness of her relationships with
Hugo Sierra and
Gianmarco OnestiniEverything is going well for him too. And it was about time.