Have Antonio David Flores and Olga Moreno separated? The perfect marriage that did not withstand the infidelities revealed on television or the documentary by Rocío Carrasco


The news
has not been confirmed Nor has anyone in the family come forward to confront her, but everything seems to indicate that the most controversial marriage on the television planet, the one formed by Antonio David Flores and Olga Moreno, has been broken for a long time. In fact, in recent months they would have played the role of a couple in love just to maintain a fiction that would favor the family, in the face of the controversial revelations in Rocío Carrasco’s documentary. Everything indicates that the distance would have become unbridgeable since
Olga Moreno’s departure from Survivors, the ‘reality’ that won last July. In fact, it is already rumored that Rocío Flores’ father is in a new romantic relationship, a target right now for all the paparazzi in Madrid.
Divorce would be imminent.

There have been many attacks that the marriage formed by
Olga Moreno and
Antonio David Flores have had to face in recent months. The worst of them has not been
the documentary by Rocío Carrascoalthough there is no doubt that the dismissal of the former collaborator of his leading network, Telecinco, did a lot of damage to a couple
heavily indebted to the Treasury. In fact, although Flores has won the trial against the producer ‘La Fábrica de la Tele’ for unfair dismissal (and has entered
82,000 compensation), no new work is known. What would have irreparably broken the relationship would have been
the exhibition in ‘Sálvame’ of the so-called ‘Antonio David bus’: the one that metaphorically took to the set of the popular program the string of women with whom Ro’s father had been unfaithful to Olga Moreno.

It seems that
Olga Moreno She didn’t quite believe her husband when he said on television that he had not had sexual relations with three young ladies who came to the program to
recount his infidelities, also giving all kinds of details about the decoration of his house and his room and even about his sexual habits. The publication that has revealed this definitive cooling of relations, the magazine Lecturas, maintains that
Antonio David Flores He has been living in Madrid for a month, pending his legal issues, while Olga is focused on her clothing store in Malaga and her family. In fact, the publication goes so far as to state that
The breakup could have occurred a year ago. On October 3, the former husband of
Rocio Carrasco He did not attend his wife’s 46th birthday celebration and the reason given by her was that she was working.