Seeing the ghost of a pet, between myth and reality – Marcianos


Why do some people see the ghost of a pet? A study that is far from traditional, shed light on the paranormal experiences reported by pet owners after the departure of these animals. A topic often discussed in whispers, but rarely studied systematically. Published in the magazine Anthrozoansresearch conducted by Jen Golbeck explored this phenomenon by asking owners of deceased dogs to share their paranormal experiences.

See the ghost of a pet between myth and reality

The responses collected by Golbeck, which totaled 544, were divided into two main categories: Physical Interactions and Performed Interactions. A total of 315 participants reported having direct sensory encounters with their deceased dogs. These encounters included hearing noises that refer to their dogs, such as barking or the sound of their collars.

Also feel the presence of their animals, some stating that they were able to see their pets after they died. The most common interactions were auditory, with listening to their dogs being the most reported type of encounter, representing 37% of the experiences in this category. Interestingly, most of these physical or sensory encounters happened during the night. In fact, On 45 occasions people reported feeling their dogs in bed next to them.

In the second category, 264 individuals interpreted various events as signs from the spirit of their deceased dogs. These signs manifested themselves in dreams, or as inexplicable activities within the home. Some witnessed alarms going off for no apparent reason, and other signs in Mother Nature that owners attributed to their dogs.

The psychological background of seeing the ghost of a pet.

This studio reveals that, far from mere coincidences, these interactions have a significant impact on the owners’ grieving process. Golbeck found that the majority of canine ghost visits (75%) were processed as positive experiences. Providing some type of comfort and a sense of security to those who experienced them. These appearances are interpreted not only as a form of protection, but also as a gift, a last link between the owner and his pet.

Some participants even shared how these experiences helped strengthen bonds with new pets. One owner said that, after the death of his dog, he adopted a new canine that he had difficulty connecting with. However, when he dreamed of his deceased dog, who assured him that it was okay for him to love again, he helped him considerably in his acceptance of the new pet.

One notable report came from Pilley Blanchi, whose famous border collie Chaser, known for learning over a thousand words in English, passed away in 2019. Following Chaser’s departure, Pilley reported that a white butterfly appeared on her window just after she announced the death of the animal. The man took it as a sign that Chaser had “transcended” peacefully.

Positive encounters.

These findings challenge the culturally ingrained view that ghosts are predominantly negative omens.. According to Golbeck, encounters with deceased pets can be psychologically beneficial, as they show the continuity of the bond between the owner and the animal. A phenomenon that highlights the importance of the relationships that humans form with their pets and how, even after death, the bond continues to influence the lives of the owners.

A seemingly magical visit from the ghost of a lost and loved dog offers a mystical, special feeling and meaning of the importance of the relationship.

Jen Golbeck

And I know what you’re thinking. That it is a modern phenomenon. However, seeing ghosts is a recurring phenomenon throughout history and present in all cultures. Only when it came to pets, there was a certain taboo on exposing it. Jen Golbeck is a professor of computer science in the School of Information Studies at the University of Maryland and a contributor to Psychology Today.