AI that creates videos of anyone with a photo – Marcianos


Google is once again positioning itself in the world of Artificial Intelligence with an algorithm that promises to revolutionize the way we conceive videos and digital interaction. This is VLOGGER, an AI model that emerges from meticulous research work and has the potential to drastically change both entertainment and personal communication. But what exactly does VLOGGER do and why does it generate so much interest?

VLOGGER AI that creates videos of anyone with a photo

Create videos of anyone with a photo.

The team behind VLOGGER, made up of six prominent big G researchers, presented an algorithm capable of transform a still photograph into a dynamic and realistic video of a person speaking. The essence of this advance lies in its simplicity: to generate this video, the user only needs to provide an image of the person and the text they want it to “narrate.” The result, although imperfect, has a surprising quality. Able to fool those who do not pay enough attention, especially on social media platforms.

How VLOGGER works focusing in the creation of “talking heads” or talking heads, where the camera angles and subject pose are kept constant. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence is responsible for animating facial expressions, head and hand movements with a certain natural fluidity. What distinguishes VLOGGER from other similar technologies is not only its ability to generate these videos from a simple photo. But the database on which it was trained: the MENTOR projecta compilation of 800 thousand videos of people talking, all collected by Google.

The practical application of this technology promises a wide and diverse spectrum. From the possibility of animate photorealistic avatars for text conversations to creating newscasts or personal digital assistants. Certainly, the scope of this algorithm seems limitless. Sectors such as entertainment, content creation and video games, eager for new forms of human synthesis, could benefit greatly from this technology.

Ambivalent technology.

Researchers also see potential applications in the field of education and virtual medical consultation. Imagine, for example, an online health system animated by AI, which could generate the image of a doctor for online consultations. This ability to personalize and humanize digital interactions could significantly transform the user experience across multiple platforms and services..

Inherently, all innovations related to artificial intelligence usually carry a set of ethical dilemmas and security challenges. Although VLOGGER promises a potentially revolutionary tool, also raises significant concerns related to the creation of fake videos. The possibility of generating realistic content of any person speaking, even replicating their voice, opens the door to malicious uses, from misinformation to media manipulation.

Aware of these risks, VLOGGER technology remains closed to the public. The importance of establishing robust safeguards and verification measures before widespread implementation is vital to avoid harmful consequences. Although the publication does not detail specific measures against misuse, the technological community must assess the negative implications.