Begoña Gómez, wife of Pedro Sánchez, Trending Topic after being related to the commission agent of the Koldo plot


Begoña Gómezwife of the president Pedro Sanchezheld meetings with some members of the mask plot, as published The confidential. Specifically, with Victor de Aldamawho is designated as the achiever, and with the businessman Javier Hidalgo. Aldama, president of Zamora, considered the commissioner of the Ministry of Transport, and Hidalgo, CEO of Globalia, are linked to the investigation of the Koldo Case. This Thursday the 29th, Gómez is a trending topic on X.

These meetings took place in La Moncloa in 2020, according to Antonio Naranjo in The debate. Regarding the reasons and content of these meetings, the digital indicates that it would be looking for support for a business related to the purchase and delivery of medications through an app called Telepharmacy.

Aldama would have acted as a link between Begoña and Hidalgo and, according to the aforementioned media, both would have requested help from Pedro Sánchez’s wife to facilitate the procedures. However, this negotiation did not come to fruition because the Spanish Medicines Agency, through Health, requested the closure of this app, since the online sale of medicines is not allowed in Spain.

The PSOE has come out against this information regarding the Koldo case and its Congress spokesperson has called it “delirious.” Furthermore, María Jesús Montero declared: “It seems to me that in politics not everything goes. When we start wanting to involve family members, people outside of public life, we start to be extraordinarily unfair.”