Which former Big Brother contestant sent Denisse to the front because she cheated on Bautista – The USA Print Magazine


Winning or not winning Big Brother – he is one of the three finalists of the reality show that ends on Sunday – should not be the only concern of Baptist These days: according to what former participant Lucía Maidana said, His girlfriend, fiancée and “television wife” Denisse González would be “doing her thing” taking advantage of the fact that her boyfriend is still locked up in the most famous house in the country.

How is that? Lucía, who didn’t spend much time in the competition but lived a strong and intimate friendship with Rosina – so strong and so intimate that she spent a few days crying when she was eliminated before the Uruguayan – participated in one of the many streaming programs that invaded the screen of Youtube, the new television.

There he met actress Nai Awada and right off the bat he asked her to make a sort of “top 3” of women he likes.. First of all, the artist did her a favor by naming her.After thanking him, he asked him to continue. The next “nominee” was Denisse, an opinion with which Lucía agreed.Since leaving the house, “Luchi” became one of the former contestants who “let loose” the most when it came to sharing personal details, preferences and tastes.

Without prejudice or cover-ups, Luciana called Denisse, who was behind the scenes listening to everything, and offered them both the chance to kiss.. When Nai made the comment that perhaps “Denu” didn’t want to, Luchi’s face seemed to confirm the opposite. His next comment practically confirmed it: “You don’t know how much I like dogs, Denisse”he exclaimed. Obviously, there was a somewhat awkward silence.


Meanwhile, Bauti’s chances of becoming Big Brother champion received good news “on the outside” as Martín Ku, one of the strongest contestants in this edition, decided to give him his support and ask his important legion of followers to spend their fingers and empty their wallets by sending “Bautista to 9009” so that his friend could win the grand prize.

Such a move earned him the anger of Nico’s mother, the other Bro who reached the final of the game, who expected at least a gesture of neutrality. Surprised by such an opinion, she accused Martin of having said that and received a furious counterattack in response: Chino told her that Nico’s father played behind and that that was what made him decide in favor of Bauti. “You’re jealous because he beat you and you wanted to take all the prizes,” accused Nico’s mother, causing a scandalous breakup between the Bros.

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