Nicolás has changed and after his fake wedding with Florencia he wants to get married for real when Big Brother ends – The USA Print Magazine


Nicholas She left behind all the doubts that her marriage to Florence. And after starring in the “fake” ceremony, the player who made it to the final stages of the most watched TV show now wants to get married “in every sense of the word.” “I think when you get married your heart really explodes.”

“You don’t know how much fun I had… I was really excited, man… I’ll see you in 9 days. In 9 days we’ll all see each other, all of us. I miss you all. Everything was incredible. The arena, the show, how they did everything. I can’t believe it… I can’t explain it to you.”shared Nicolás, moved by what he had experienced with Florencia.

“It was the best night of my life. Of all the nights I’ve experienced here, in terms of emotions, sensations… I can’t imagine what a person might feel at a real wedding. Getting married for real, with all your people there, and the person coming…”Grosman described the emotions that could overwhelm him when he is involved in a real-life wedding.

“And you being there so devoted… I think your heart explodes. It must be one of those moments in your life when you never forget what you feel,” Nicolas said, moved by what he had experienced and which he decided to share with his fellow contestants, just a few days before the grand finale of the program, which will take place on the evening of July 7.


At the time when in GH Weddings began to be planned, the first and original one was that of Bautista Mascia with Denisse GonzalezA couple that remains strong and that, it is assumed, will have projection outside the reality show, the possibility of a simulated marriage between Nicolás and Florencia found contradictions.

Because Grosman began to raise various doubts about the possibility of a union – it was known to be symbolic – with Regidor and, at times, the wedding was in doubt until, finally, the finalist of the competition ended up accepting the proposal. And now, after what happened, it seems that his opinion regarding the commitment that comes with saying “yes” has changed quite a bit.

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