The Euro Cup or when free costs more than 100 million | Television


It is curious that the TVE commentators of the Eurocup insist that all broadcasts are broadcast “free”, we suppose encouraged by their superiors to serve as an example against pay platforms and networks. What the commentators do not know, or are silent about, is that in April of this same year the interim president of the Board of Directors of the RTVE Corporation, Concepción Cascajosa, during her first periodic appearance in the Joint Commission (Congress-Senate) to The Parliamentary Control of the RTVE Corporation and its Companies, reported that “RadioTelevisión Española will have a budget item amounting to an additional 105 million euros in 2024 to cover the celebration of the Paris Olympic Games and the German Euro Cup. 2024″. That is to say: free, nothing, unless you accept that unforgettable definition of the then Minister of Culture, the socialist Carmen Calvo: “Public money belongs to no one”, something like the conception of the Virgin Mary.

It is true that the aforementioned TVE should cover, as far as possible, everything that arouses a majority interest in the citizens, but it is also true that those who comment or relate them should stay away from the most vulgar demagoguery, for that, for demagogues , we already have enough with the sporadic Javier Milei and the permanent Isabel Díaz Ayuso, Santiago Abascal and substitutes.

And, since we are talking about mysteries, it is worth mentioning the third season of Cormorant Strike. cloudy blood (Max) in which the expressionless private detective and his prankish partner Robin Ellacott try to solve, at the daughter’s request, the strange disappearance in Cornwall of Dr. Margot Bamborough 40 years ago. What is not a mystery is the authorship of the story on which the series is based, one of the most absurd pseudonyms in contemporary literature, since there is no informative note, criticism or review that the first thing that points out is that under the name of Robert Galbraith hides JKRowling, author of the multimillion-selling Harry Potter books. Despite everything, the series co-produced by the highly praised BBC flows with correct naturalness, with the addition that the plot takes place in landscapes and coastal towns of a certain charm although without reaching that excessive example of British self-esteem when it defines the area as “The Cornwall Riviera.”

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