“I want to meet him so…” – The USA Print Magazine


Ian Moche He was one of the guests of the program Juana Viale on Sunday, June 23. Given the moments he had in front of the television cameras, he took the opportunity to send a strong message to Javier Milei, with whom he urgently needs to meet.

The young man is an activist for the rights of people with autism and other rights. For this reason, he exclaimed that he would love to have a meeting with the President as soon as possible, so they could talk and try to make the world a better place.

“I talk to politicians, but not because I have a political flag. My dream is to talk to the President to present my proposals. I am like a child who wants to be a soccer player, who needs to meet soccer players, to have an idea of ​​what it is about.”he began counting.

“I have no political flag. I was with Cristina (Fernández de Kirchner) and all the other politicians. I have no problem or anything. The thing is that we can help and fix the problems”.


Then, when they asked him to elaborate on the reasons for meeting Javier Milei, Ian Moche explained: “Even so, in a situation with a disability, I met with Spagnuolo, who is the head of the National Disability Agency, and we talked”.

“I am not a person who gets too involved in the subject, the new Government just started a few months ago and we have to see what is going to happen. The ideal would be that we can talk to the President and thus achieve a world better. There is no need to fight, by fighting we achieve nothing. “He who gets angry always loses.”he added.

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