They throw stones at the house from outside – The USA Print Magazine


On Sunday, June 23, Big Brother is experiencing moments of great tension. Not only does the elimination gala have the participants nervous, but they became upset after the most famous house in Argentina was attacked by a shower of stones.

It all started when the competitors were in the kitchen, while Darío Martínez Corti I was preparing the food. Out of nowhere, noises begin to be heard outside the place. The boys were shocked and tried to see what was happening.

In the end they realized that stones were falling, which were obviously being thrown from outside. The broadcast did not show at any time what was happening outside, but the knocks could be heard and, in turn, the contestants themselves told what was happening.

“What’s up buddy?”asked Nicolas Grosman. To which Emmanuel Vich responded: “They are throwing stones. I know it because they fell this way”. Dario He was also shocked by the situation: “Stones? Big? This can’t be this”. There GH cut the image.


Just a few hours ago, Furia uploaded a message to his followers: “There’s no room for it. They hang on to my fandom. They lie, they talk, they get dirty, they distort. I’m already out and they continue. Resentful, envious… If they mess with the Furious, the Furious already know… Furious attack”.

Faced with this call for “war” from the former little sister, the Big Brother public accused her of inciting her fans to throw stones at the house. “When she threatened to “hire” “hitmen” the result is that she now has a fandom willing to do anything for her”; “And if the mad woman said, attack furiously”; “Fury and her gang. He is no longer inside and bothers from outside…”they wrote on social networks.

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