“The blows are not seen and…” – The USA Print Magazine


María Fernanda Callejón visited the table Mirtha Legrand and spent an exceptional evening with Chiqui. Among several of the topics that the host touched on, she asked him some questions related to what was her scandalous separation from Ricky Diotto.

Although at first they seemed to have had a “peaceful” breakup, as time went by, super controversial details began to be revealed. With strong accusations from both sides, which included violence of different types, the former star remembered everything she experienced.

It was something unexpected, when you get married it is for life. we were in love”, Callejón began saying. Going from this stage of love to such a dramatic ending, it was something that Mirtha found difficult to understand and that is why she asked decisively.

How can a person want to love and suddenly the love ends and aggression begins. Because it was quite aggressive, I created the topic, right?“Mirtha launched. Without hesitation and telling strong details of what she experienced, María continued to respond.

Violence is framed in a word that we are only now delving into. Before it was the blow. And sometimes psychological violence is, the blows are not seen. Or economic violence. Something that one naturalizes because there is a lot to see and learn”commented the current couple Fernando Gamboa.


In a very serious debate that he had with Mirtha, when explaining why he tolerated what happened and that he only separated when a limit of violence was exceeded, Callejón understood that it was time to step aside and also for his daughter. .

It was an event of things, I think that women sometimes naturalize things out of interests that have to do purely and exclusively with the family and the family project. I looked for my daughter half my life, so I put a lot of focus on parenting and motherhood, which had cost me a lot. Everyone knows the treatments”, highlighted Callejón.

And when asked by Legrand about whether adultery existed or not, María Fernanda ended up confirming what it did: “In a few words, good understander. That was my warning point. A chat that was written with another woman was leaked; adultery does not exist in today’s law. I was publicly cuckolded“.

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