Shannen Doherty claims Kurt Iswarienko is delaying their divorce in hopes she will die before having to pay | People


Cancer has not given Shannen Doherty (Tennessee, United States, 53 years old) any respite for more than a decade. In 2015 she said for the first time that she was receiving treatment for breast cancer. Then she had only been married for four years to her third husband, the photographer Kurt Iswarienko (49 years old), whom she married in 2011. The worst seemed to be over and the disease seemed to be moderately controlled, until in June 2023 the actress, who has always been transparent about his diagnoses, announced that he had brain metastases. That November she further revealed that the cancer had spread to her bones. That year, she also filed for divorce from Kurt. “Divorce is the last thing Shannen wanted. Unfortunately, she felt that she had no other option,” the interpreter’s representative, Leslie Sloane, told the magazine. People. Now it is Doherty herself who talks about her divorce, which has not yet taken place, and she attributes it to a reason that is difficult to assimilate. “It is simply not right that Kurt is allowed to prolong our divorce in the hopes that he will die before he is required to pay me, while he continues to live his life and shirk his responsibilities to his dying wife of over 11 years.” , states in legal documents obtained by means such as People either US Magazine.

Doherty, known for her roles in Feeling of living either haunted, personally took these documents to the court on June 14, according to these American media. In them, the actress requests spousal support of $15,343 per month – about 14,360 euros – from Iswarienko, with retroactive effect “from June 1, 2024.” In addition, she asks that her ex-husband take charge of the 9,100 dollars – 8,500 euros – that it cost her to pay the lawyer who handled her divorce last year.

The only thing he wants that money for, he says, is to pay for his cancer treatment, since his financial problems are increasingly serious. According to the documents, Doherty expects his income to decrease “drastically” this year because he has not been able to work due to his “recurring health issues.” “Today, virtually all of the income I earn is residual income from the work I did before I got married,” she states in her papers. “Recently, I found out that haunted will no longer be broadcast on any of the major streaming platforms. streaming after June 30, 2024. As a result, my future residual income will decrease drastically,” she continues, referring to the series that aired from 1998 to 2001. The actress alleges that Iswarienko is delaying these procedures on purpose, knowing, like her, that his terminal cancer is advancing more and more.

Iswarienko’s lawyer, on the other hand, disputes this claim, saying that she had offered a settlement agreement to the interpreter in October 2023, showing that she wanted to find a solution, but Doherty denied this. “Kurt is not ‘just waiting for Shannen to die,’” attorney Katherine Heersema said in response to the release of the information in the documents. “He wants the best for Shannen and he wants them both to be able to put this case behind them and move forward,” she guarantees. Doherty claims for his part that he rejected the proposed agreements because he “dodged the issue of her original works created during the marriage” and “his earning capacity from her.” Since she is out of work, the actress also expects her medical bills to “drastically increase” when her health insurance is no longer valid.

According to documented calculations, Iswarienko’s average annual income in the last three years was 672,916 dollars net – about 629,400 euros. This leaves “at least” $56,076 – more than €52,400 – per month spendable, of which Doherty’s lawyers claim that spousal support would go without a problem. These calculations by the actress and her lawyers are the result of the average annual income of $259,708 (243,000 euros) that included the photographer’s work between 2021 and 2022. She, however, states that so far this year she has earned little more than 25,000 dollars (23,385 euros), which, according to his lawyers, shows a significant drop in income. The interpreter puts her medical bill from last year at $21,640 (20,240 euros), and alleges that Iswarienko should have no problem helping pay it because she “usually spends money on luxurious items and experiences.”

At the beginning of last April, Doherty explained in his podcast, Let’s Be Clear, who is preparing for death. “My priority right now is my mother. I know it will be very hard for her if I die first. And because I know it’s going to be hard, I’m trying to make many other things easier for you. I don’t want her to have to take care of a lot of things. I don’t want her to find a storage room full of furniture,” the interpreter acknowledged, ensuring that she was cleaning, selling or giving away countless objects that she no longer needs. “You feel like you are letting go of something that was very special and important to you. But you know what you have to do… and, in the end, it will give you some sense of peace and calm. Because you are helping the people who are going to stay have a cleaner and easier transition,” she commented.