Verónica Ojeda told the hardest secret of her son, Dieguito Fernando – The USA Print Magazine


Veronica Ojeda and Diego Armando Maradona They met in 2005 during a wedding attended by friends they had in common in Villa Fiorito. The relationship they had lasted eight years and as a result of the love they had for each other, they were born Dieguito Fernando.

The little boy, who is now 11 years old, was born on February 13, 2013. At the time, Verónica recounted a bad attitude that Maradona had when she found out about her pregnancy: “Diego didn’t like it when I told him I was pregnant. He left for Dubai angry. He was not happy. He abandoned me and left“, held.

It is said that the relationship with the sisters (Dalma and Gianinna) is a bit tense, but over the years they showed that they left everything behind and enjoyed an exhibition that was held in honor of Maradona, where they, Dieguito Fernando, Diego Jr and Jana Maradona.

In LAM, the former partner of the man who was world champion in the 1986 World Cup in Mexico told details of the meeting and even expressed a secret regarding the son he had with Diego. In the program Angel De Britowas present and said that Dieguito Fernando was angry with his father.


Dieguito Fernando is the smallest of the five that Maradona had. He always seemed quiet and as the years passed he sought to have more participation in the events that involved his father. Diego’s dream was to see the five of them together and it happened in Naples, a city where he was a legend.

Although there were many twists and turns regarding the relationship between the daughters and Verónica Ojeda after Diego’s death, in recent weeks they were all seen together. The five children and Verónica, who accompanied Dieguito, went to Italy to participate in the “Diego Vive” event.

It was the inauguration of an exhibition to honor the memory of the former player who made football history and is considered one of the best in the world. In LAM, Verónica referred to this and expressed that “We went to the exhibition and he didn’t want to talk about his father, he was very angry with him for a long time., but in Naples and he didn’t want to know anything. The next day, when the event was, I met Dalma and told her to take him and Giannina to tour it.“.

At the end, he added: “Gianinna told me later that she told the sisters ‘What nice things there are about dad. I mean, with them he opened up, he was able to speak, the blood pulls“In addition, he added that Dieguito has days when he feels very sad.

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