These are the latest news for the 2024 campaign


He Institute of Seniors and Social Servicesbetter known as Imsersooffers every year a travel campaign directed to retirees and pensioners. With it, seniors can enjoy vacations at affordable prices in different parts of Spain.

As for this season, these are the last news for the 2024/2025 Imserso campaign What you should know if you do not want to miss the possibility of taking advantage of this tourism for seniors.

Imserso Tourism Program

Couple of older travelers/Photo: Pixabay

In the season 2024/2025the Imserso senior tourism program is managed, once again, by Ávoris Corporación Empresarial, which has the collaboration of Falcon Travel. This year they maintain the number of places, including the 70,000 that increased the previous year. So the known as Social Tourism Program It has a total of 886,269 places available.

On the other hand, the start of the campaign is set in the second half of October 2024, as usual, and will extend until spring 2025. For this reason, it is estimated that trips will begin to leave on sale in September. The main novelty is that the tourism program budget by 14%, so the current amount is about 300 million euros. This is expected to correct the errors, deficiencies in services and delays that occurred in previous campaigns.

One of the new features that will draw the most attention to users is that, for the first time, the Imserso campaign of 2024/2025 will allow travel by AVE to be able to do without the bus.

Areas to travel

Benidorm/Photo: Pixabay

The areas to travel that are included in the Imserso program They are the same as last year. They are grouped into three areas: Peninsular Coastal Zonethe Insular Coastal Zone and Getaway Tourism and European origin.

The Peninsular Coastal Zone brings together destinations such as Catalonia, the Valencian Community, Murcia and Andalusia, with stays of eight days and seven nights or 10 days and nine nights. The number of places allocated to this area is 443,887. With stays of equal duration there is the Insular Coastal Zonewhat includes Balearics and the Canary Islands, for which a total of 230,039 places are allocated, with stays of 10 days and 9 nights or 8 days and 7 nights. And, as regards Getaway Tourism, the number of places is set at 212,343 places. It is in the latter case that cultural circuits, visits to provincial capitals and nature tourism experiences are offered.

However, this season’s program aims to reach more places within these areas, so it will reach up to 52 Spanish provinces, more than in previous campaigns.

Access to Imserso trips

Seniors Imserso trips
Older people sitting on a bench/Photo: Pixabay

In order to access the Imserso trips It is necessary to comply with a series of requirements. In this way, the beneficiaries must be residents in Spain and have the condition of being pensioner in a situation of retirement or widowhood over 55 years of age, or being a pensioner for any other Social Security concept as long as they are over 60 years of age. Likewise, all Social Security insured or beneficiaries can access the tourism program as long as they are over 65 years old.

Spaniards residing in the countries of Germany, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Holland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, United Kingdom are also eligible for Imserso trips, as long as they meet the above requirements. , Sweden and Switzerland. In this case, it will be necessary to carry out the procedures to request them in the Departments of Labor, Migration and Social Security. Likewise, they have access to the tourism program Spaniards of immigrant origin who have returned to Spain, with the condition that they are pensioners of the public systems of those countries from which they have returned.

Users of these trips can be accompanied by their de facto partner or spouse without the need for it to meet pension or age requirements.

Tourism and thermalism

Head massage/Photo: Pixabay

In any case, we will have to wait for the Institute of Seniors and Social Services to offer all the information related to the Imserso Tourism Program 2024-2025which at this time indicates that it is being prepared.

As regards the Thermalism Program of Imsersothe application deadlines for 2024 have already ended, but it is still possible to sign up for the waiting list to fill the places that become vacant due to any circumstance. To sign up for shifts from September to December, you have a deadline until November 15, 2024.