Robin Le Normand: “I understand Mbappé; the solution is not to hide” | Euro Cup Germany 2024


Robin Le Normand (Pabu, France; 27 years old) was nine years ago about to embark on an uncertain and determining journey: ruled out by Brest, the second French team. He got into a van heading to an opportunity in San Sebastián. He ended up in the first team of Real Sociedad, from where he has achieved, after nationalization, a place in Spain’s starting eleven in the Euro Cup.

Ask. How do you remember that trip from here?

Answer. That will stay forever. I have a very united family. They have always followed us (his brother, Théo, is also a footballer). They came to see us and when I had to change countries, they told me: ‘If you see it, we would like to accompany you for the first two weeks. We are going to a campsite next door, we are close.’ So it was.

Q. Wasn’t it even in your dreams?

A. It’s more than a dream. I think back to when she was six years old and playing in the garden… I wouldn’t have imagined getting to this point. When I started at Real it allowed me to fulfill my dream, then the national team allowed me to enjoy a European Championship. I have always told myself that I did not want to put a ceiling on myself.

Q. When you took that trip, did your parents tell you that if it didn’t work out, you would have to study?

A. No. At 18 you are young, but I had a very clear idea: I wanted to be a soccer player. But my parents had always told me: “You have to study.” My mother, especially. I finished the economic baccalaureate. It was simple: if I studied, I could do whatever I wanted.

Q. Do you continue playing the piano?

A. Yes, I have been there for two years. I’m not too good, but it’s something I like. It relaxes me. Mostly, I think about something else, it’s something different. I would like to do better. I play four or five songs. We have a piano there in the hotel… I think people are already fed up (laughs). I always play the same ones. By Ludovico Einaudi. They are easy, in quotes, and pretty.

Q. Do you have an audience?

A. No, I’m a bit embarrassing.

Q. Have you brought a book to the rally?

A. Yes, yes, I am reading The Crooked Lines of God. I like it.

Q. In French or Spanish?

A. In Spanish. They gave it to me like this.

Q. What else do you like to read?

A. I also like biographies. Of athletes, like Kobe Bryant, for example. People who have lived before us have had our same problems. So when I have a problem I try to read them, I still find a solution there.

Q. But they didn’t have social networks.

A. We have had to get used to social networks, now there is even more criticism. On the street people are not going to come and criticize you to your face, but on social networks it is easier. It’s part of the job. In recent years I have stopped reading social media: you can’t always understand everyone.

Q. You made your debut with Spain a year ago in the Nations semi-final against Italy, tomorrow’s rival. How do you remember that game in which you were awarded a penalty at the beginning?

A. It was special for me. There was that hand, but then I think I played a very good game. It’s part of the job: being able to keep a cool head. It was a very nice match, because we won, and in the end we won the title.

Q. Did Laporte help you with that moment?

A. These are things that we have experienced. It wasn’t the first time he made a mistake. You have to accept it and move on. At the moment we don’t talk about it much. It was to continue. It was minute 10, 80 minutes left. If you already eat your head…

Q. Should the center backs be a stable couple?

A. Nowadays, with so many games, we are used to changing. And I am surrounded by people with a lot of quality, whether it is Ayme (Laporte), Vivian or Nacho. You adapt very quickly with those player profiles.

Q. What is the difference between playing with Ayme and playing with Nacho? Does one talk more than the other?

A. They speak alike. Alright. We need to talk. It is one of the important things about that position, because we are the last.

Q. Mbappé’s words about the French elections have been widely commented on. What do you think of footballers talking about politics? Is it in that line?

A. I understand Mbappé, because he is someone very famous, his word has power, and I think that hiding is not the solution either. I think he had to get out. Then, I am not qualified to talk about this, I am not a politician, I do not have all the concepts of politics well grasped to talk about. But it is clear that my opinion is that extremists are dangerous. Then everyone can think what they want.

Q. Athletes have a position from which they can sometimes help.

A. It is what each person feels. You have to respect what Kylian said, because it makes sense, but you also have to respect people who don’t want to give their opinion. Not everyone has the ability to do it. Me the first. I haven’t read enough, I haven’t worked enough to give an opinion.

Q. Are you going to vote in the French legislative elections?

A. I don’t know if I will be able to vote in these, but in my family they have always instilled in us that it is important to do so.

Q. There is a lot of talk about your future and a possible change of club.

R. I came here saying that I am going to focus on the selection. I have a chance and I’m enjoying it. Regarding the clubs, it is not the time to talk about that.

Q. You saw France’s game against Austria, did you shout the goal?

A. No, no. As I said, I will never forget my past, but it is clear that I have trained in Spain and for nine years they have taught me how to compete in Real Sociedad. For me, the choice was very easy. I feel like this: in Spain they have given me that confidence. Then I can watch the France games. The one they played against Austria was nice.

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