Why Laura Ubfal hates Ceferino Reato in Big Brother – The USA Print Magazine


It’s known that Laura Ubfal Absolutely nothing is saved when declaring. A few days ago, the journalist was hand in hand with Angel de Brito on LAM and, as expected, he touched on all possible topics.

His comings and goings with the people linked to the program, the votes, Rage and much more in a wasteless interview that could be seen in the program that measures the most in America TV.

Quickly, Ubfal spoke about Ceferino Reato and the problems he has with him: “He’s my opponent, I don’t want to give him any more press. Outside the relationship is horrible, I don’t greet him. Good with Gaston. I refuse to greet Ceferino, now I’m happy because Eliana walks him, or he fights with Costa.”

Later, Laura clarified that with Sol Perez Not everything is fine, but neither is the relationship as strained as the one he has with Reato: “Solcito is very influenced by Ceferino, no, she is divine. “Eliana is very funny, we are furious.”

That said, a thousand gossips emerged on the channel and almost all of them confirmed the same thing: “Since they had an encounter on TV, they don’t talk to each other anymore. She cut his face and doesn’t even want to say hello to him. There is tension, and not sexual,” They finished off from Telefe. Laurita made it very clear!

The always touched upon issue of the duration of fame for those who pass through the house was also addressed in the dialogue with Ángel de Brito: “Marcos is an unstoppable trend, but he doesn’t want to be in the awards. He wants to act, model, he is studying. As a lawyer I see it, because he is finishing his degree. Before they lasted longer because there was more theater, magazines, now there is nothing.”

Fury is known to divide waters. The rift between his defenders and detractors is very marked in this edition of Big Brother. “For me she’s going to win. They tell me I’m Furious and I’m not. I analyze the game, and she does it best,” said.

In relation to this, Ubfal stated: “There are a lot of guys who hate me for defending Furia because they can’t stand a woman like her. First, from a hegemonic point of view, from a physical point of view. They all say outrageous things, they mark Furia because she is the protagonist.”

Finally, the journalist spoke about those who vote for Furia and the rest of the participants in the most famous house in the country: “Vote the fandom, Fury has a super organized fandom. You have to get involved. I hope Fury reaches the final.”.

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