5 free things to do in Madrid from July 5 to 12: the state-wide LGTBI Pride march and the Tetuán festivities | Madrid News


July begins with celebrations and colours. The first weekend of the month will see the state LGBTI Pride march and the Tetuán district festivities coincide. The first event will capture the attention of the entire city with its floats, posters, proclamations and concerts; the second will be an ideal space to enjoy local celebrations, food and a family atmosphere.

After the holidays, temperatures will rise and the way we enjoy the city will change. The Lope de Vega House Museum, for example, will begin the cycle Lope a la frescawhich will be held every Friday at 9:00 p.m., when the heat subsides, and will include recitals and cultural performances related to the poet’s work. The municipality of Alcalá de Henares, in turn, will begin the festival Summer Alcinema with screenings of the best Spanish films from Monday to Thursday at 10 p.m. To pass the afternoon heat, it will also be an option to visit one of the exhibitions at PHotoESPAÑA 2024. One of the recommended exhibitions of the week is that of photographer Barbara Brändli, to whom an exhibition has been dedicated at CentroCentro. These are the recommended free activities in Madrid from July 5 to 12.

The great LGTBI demonstration

The 2023 Pride parade passing by the Cibeles Palace in Madrid. Andrea Comas

The great Pride Day has arrived. This Saturday, July 6, the state-wide LGTBI demonstration will be held in Madrid, one of the largest gatherings in Europe. The gathering will leave at 7:00 p.m. from the Carlos V roundabout, in front of Atocha, and will go up the Paseo del Prado and the Paseo de la Castellana to the Plaza de Colón, where the manifesto will be read that alludes to the motto of this edition: “Education, rights and peace: Pride that transforms.” Banners with protest messages, floats and colors will be part of the panorama that Saturday, in an event that last year, for example, brought together more than 800,000 people in the capital, according to figures from the Government Delegation.

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The celebration will not only take place at the Pride march. There will be concerts every afternoon in the Plaza de Pedro Zorolo, Plaza del Rey, Plaza de España and Plaza del Sol. All the programming can be seen on the official Madrid Pride website (MADO).

The festivities of Tetouan

For those who wish to continue the party on the first weekend of July, one option is the Tetuán district festivities. This local celebration will take place in the Agustín Rodríguez Sahagún park from July 5 to 7 with a fairground that will host concerts and activities for families. The opening speech, which will be on Friday, July 5 at 9:00 p.m., will be performed by the band Dovea group that has its origins in the district and has dedicated topics such as Bravo MurilloArtists such as Henry Méndez and Lérica will also be performing on the fairground stage.

The programming of the festivities They are complemented by sports tournaments at the Antonio Díaz M municipal centre and poetry recitals and concerts at the cultural centres of Tetuán. There will also be time for religious celebrations, which give rise to these festivities, at the Nuestra Señora de las Victorias Parish.

The never-before-seen photos of Barbara Brändli

One of the attendees at the opening of the exhibition 'Poetics of gesture, politics of the document' which displays previously unpublished photographs by Barbara Brändli at CentroCentro.
One of the attendees at the opening of the exhibition ‘Poetics of gesture, politics of the document’ which displays previously unpublished photographs by Barbara Brändli at CentroCentro.City of Madrid

CentroCentro joins the celebration of PHotoESPAÑA 2024 with The exhibition Poetics of gesture, politics of the documentwhich pays tribute to the Swiss-Venezuelan photographer Bárbara Brändli. The exhibition includes a selection of almost 300 photographs, many of them unpublished, by this icon of documentary photography.

Poetics of gesture, politics of the document The exhibition is divided into four sections. The first explores her early work, in which she combined her experience as a model and dancer with that of a photographer. The second part shows all her experience in Caracas, where she took portraits of artists, musicians, politicians and actors, and where she consolidated some of her best-known documentary projects. The third room of the exhibition presents her photobooks and the fourth, her legacy in international photography centers.

  • Dates: June 20th to September 22nd
  • Location: CentroCentro. Plaza de Cibeles, 1
  • Transport: Banco de España metro station

Lope a la fresca

The garden of the Lope de Vega House Museum, in Madrid.
The garden of the Lope de Vega House Museum, in Madrid.David Serrano

Friday afternoons in July will be spent in the garden of the Lope de Vega House Museum. On Fridays 5, 12, 19 and 26 July, at 9:00 p.m., there will be recitals, performances and other art events at the poet’s houseThe first event, on July 5, will be a recital by Noelia Márnez, who will recite poems by Lope de Vega accompanied by the sounds of a baroque guitar and a viola da gamba, played by Enrique Pastor. This activity will be repeated on Friday, July 19.

  • Dates: Fridays 5, 12, 19 and 26 July. Admission from 8:50 p.m.
  • Location: Lope de Vega House. Cervantes Street, 11
  • Transport: Anton Martin and Sol metro stations

Summer Cinema in Alcalá

Alcalá de Henares celebrates this month a new cycle of Summer Alcinema which, from July 1 to 25, will screen Spanish cinema at the Huerta del Obispo. All events will begin at 10:00 p.m., from Monday to Thursday, and will be free admission until full capacity is reached. Each day will have a special theme: for example, on Mondays, with the title Happy Mondayswill be dedicated to comedy. Tuesdays, on the other hand, will be called Like life itself and they will show films that are more closely tied to reality. On Wednesdays it will be the turn of drama and mystery films with the cycle Drama and moreAnd on Thursdays it will be the turn of the most awarded feature films.

This year’s edition of Summer Alcinema will include for the first time a section for the little ones that will be screened at the Gilitos Cultural Center. Families will thus be able to go with their children to see films such as Ruby. Adventures of a Teenage Kraken, The Goonies, Puss in Boots. The Last Wish and ET the alien.

See the stars in Prádena del Rincón

Night falls in the municipality of Prádena del Rincón
Night falls in the municipality of Prádena del RincónAlamy Stock Photo

The Madrid municipality of Pradena del Rincon will turn off all its lights on July 6 as part of the ‘Astro-Corner lights-off, night photography and astronomical observation’ event, which seeks to raise awareness about light pollution.

The first part of the festival will take place from 1 to 5 July and will include workshops on night photography and astronomical observation. On 6 July, the lights on the roads and monuments of Prádena will be turned off to allow people to enjoy the night sky of the Sierra.

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