3 doubts that we urgently need to resolve in the second program of Temptation Island, what will happen to Jesús and Marina?


Sandra Barneda He promised that the third was going to be the most intense edition of Temptation Island, he didn’t lie to us. We are hooked on the confirmed horns of Marina and Lola because of the videos leaked to Twitter and TikTok. We need tonight’s episode at 10:00 p.m. on Telecinco to clear up the rest of the doubts that have plagued us since Monday’s gala.
Who would have been the first “sinner”? Will Jesus discover in this episode that he has been deceived or will the light have been turned on by another girl? Will we witness Lola’s approach to Carlos when the one she liked from the first moment was Simone? And more importantly, who is going to be the first of the guys to “fall” (because
according to new leaked videos Without the consent of the producer, both they and they are going to fall here)? Will Tom and Sandra still be together?

Will Jesus find out in this second program of Temptation Island 3 that Marina has been unfaithful to him with Isaac? /


Question number 1: Are Marina and Jesús definitely the Tom and Melyssa of this season?

Everything points to yes, but with a twist: this time the one who is lost in love is the boy and the one who is on her own is the girl. TO
Marina does not hesitate to confess that her boyfriend, “he’s really stupid” and that she is a little tired of seeing him all day sitting next to her on the couch at her parents’ house (who according to her love him more than her). In fact, her reason for going on his show is to see if watching him flirt with others of hers stirs something inside her. Everything is very healthy.

Jesús, for his part, either hasn’t found out about his girlfriend’s mood or doesn’t want to find out, because it doesn’t look like anyone is going to change anything but rather that his girlfriend is going to crush his heart. While
He affirms that he puts his hand in the fire for Marina In front of the rest of the housemates (although his subconscious warns him in his dreams that he shouldn’t), everyone knows that that hand is going to be singed. Everything indicates that soon, perhaps on tonight’s program,
we will have a suffering Jesus bathed in tears that it will be worth it to the couple to be nominated as this season’s Tom and Meyssa.

Question number 2. Are we going to find out why Manuel cries every now and then?

Lucía’s boyfriend, in addition to getting on his girlfriend’s nerves by declaring that he is a jerk who has already been unfaithful to her on one occasion, decided to get on the audience’s nerves by crying his heart out throughout the first program.
We are fans of male vulnerabilitybut Manuel’s thing caught us by surprise.

Furthermore, this week the spoiler in the form of a Tik Tok video has shown us a Miguel crying at the bonfire on the verge of fainting (and a very angry Lucía).
Will we know why he cries so much tonight? Is it because he knows he’s losing sight of Lucía forever?

The other confirmed unfaithful is Lola, will Carlos find out tonight that they have been unfaithful to him? Was it she who turned on the light of temptations? /


Question number 3. For whom did the happy little light turn on?

Let’s hope that in this Telecinco has more grace than what was given in the first program to separate the couples because the moment of separation seemed eternal to us.
The previous chapter left us with the siren that sounds familiar to you and an idea: something has happened at the girls’ house.

Because of the leak of Marina and Lola’s videos on Twitter and everything that has been posted this week on Tik Tok
We know that at least two of the “girlfriends” have been unfaithful, but we are curious: how many more have fallen into the arms of a suitor? And best of all: is it possible that this episode also ends with a light on, but at the girls’ house?