18 complaints for crimes of racism against Vinicius and no conviction yet | Sports


The Bernabéu will cry out tonight (9:30 p.m., La1) against racism, or that is the ultimate reason for Spain-Brazil, and in support of Vinicius, the Brazilian star, who between October 29, 2021 and last March 17 been a victim of 18 racist attacks reported to prosecutors specializing in hate crimes, investigative courts and the anti-violence commission.

None of the complaints have yet resulted in a conviction. Only one, that of the banner on the Valdebebas bridge and a hanged doll of Vinicius on January 26, 2023, is pending oral trial after the Prosecutor’s indictment for the four involved in an alleged hate crime punishable by a prison sentence of six months to two years and a fine of six to 12 months.

Five of them have been archived (three of them provisionally), since it was not possible to identify the authors of the insults, anonymous among the mass of spectators. Six are in the investigation phase in the corresponding courts, investigation proceedings have been opened in five, and another, initiated only in the Anti-Violence Commission, is still pending processing.

The Anti-Violence Commission has only punished nine people for one of the cases (that of Valladolid-Madrid in the Nuevo Zorrilla in December 2022) and the Spanish Federation punished Valencia by closing the Mestalla stands from where they started for three games. the insults to the Brazilian forward in the Valencia-Real Madrid match on May 21, 2023.

The official list, prepared by the Prosecutor’s Office, covers a large number of Spanish stadiums, from the Camp Nou (three times), scene of the first volley of insults, to El Sadar (on two occasions), passing through the Metropolitano (three, once of them before Atlético-Inter in the Champions League), José Zorrilla, Son Moix, Benito Villamarín, Mestalla, Sánchez Pizjuán, Alfonso Pérez, Montjuïc (before Barça-Naples in the Champions League), and a highway bridge, next to Valdebebas, the Real Madrid training camps.

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